Spotify premium cost 2016
Spotify premium cost 2016

spotify premium cost 2016

The research contributes insights into music streaming services consumer behaviour, providing several theoretical and practical implications to music streaming services providers. Simultaneously, new dimensions such as personalisation, attitude towards piracy and perceived freemium-premium fit arise as having an additional relevant role in adopting this type of service.

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Our findings confirm that habit, performance expectancy and price value play the most important role in influencing the intention to use a paid music streaming service. Research also included in-depth semi-structured interviews in order to generate a more profound knowledge about the profile, behaviours and motivations of the new music consumer. Based on data collected from 324 music streaming services users, the framework of this study was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). An extension of the UTAUT2 model (version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, applied to the consumer side) was created. This study aims to understand the factors that influence music consumption through streaming platforms, particularly studying the intention to adopt premium (paid) versions of a music streaming service and recommend them. The fact that sales of physical copies continue to decline significantly made it mandatory for this industry to reinvent itself by introducing music streaming services as a key part of its business development. The music industry has undergone tremendous changes in relation to its production, distribution, and consumption habits due to the exponential development of new technologies, namely streaming platforms.

Spotify premium cost 2016